
Friday, August 26, 2011

Cupcake Dress

You might see Katy Perry wore her cupcake dress on the stage; you might think that she is so cute and adorable.  Are you dare to wear a dress made with real cupcakes on your big day (either your wedding day or a BIG party)?!  I found these amazing dresses made with cupcakes from different sources on the internet. 

Check it out, dolls:

I think this cupcake dress is gorgious.  It doesn't even look like a dress made with cupcakes,
it could pass as a real cocktail dress. 
(Picture from Niki Pretti)

Recongonized this lady in the picture?!  Yes, she is one of the sisters from the hit show DC Cupcakes on TLC
(The real name of their store called, Georgetown Cupcakes, located in Washington DC). 
The sisters were asked to created a life-sized couture wedding dress.

A cupcake dress, minimize the cake!  So element and classy! 
Love it
(Picture from Darla T.)
A model is wearing a big cupcake dress. 
She could be a walking cupcake stand for the guests at the party.


  1. Amazing post! I'm a new follower of your blog, it's so cute and sweet, I like it! If you want to, follow me back at:

  2. Thank you so much for stopping by. I just checked out your blog, nice blog! I love fashions too.

    Keep coming back here=)

    with hugs,

    Mr. G

  3. Hi, my name is Jen, and I was wondering, Do you have any idea how one could make the skirt part? I know they have like those big wire skirts that go under dresses, and to get large fake cupcakes and to stick them into it. that's all I can think of to recreate Katy Perry's cupcake dress. Is there something you can suggest that might work better for The skirt? You can email me back at
